Scholarship Program

2019 Life Enrichment Center for the Arts Scholarship Program

The Life Enrichment Center for the Arts’ (LEC) mission is for our students to fulfill their lifelong creative potential through the ageless engagement in the arts. We are a place that inspires creativity and provides our participants with the time, facilities, tools, and instruction essential to give that creativity form. As a learning community, we welcome people of every age, ability, and skill level to partake of our programs and step outside of their everyday lives to reconnect with themselves as artists. To download the application, please click here.

Scholarship Sponsors

We’d like to thank the following individuals and organizations for their generous donations to our scholarship program:
Las Damas de Arte
The Albers Family Foundation
Hillsborough County Board of County Commissioners (BOCC)
The Couch Family Foundation
Florida Division of Cultural Affairs
Arts Council of Hillsborough County

General Guidelines

  • Students may apply for a LEC scholarship for classes and workshops once a quarter.
  • Scholarship awards are based on financial need and, if applicable, merit, which the applicant is asked to detail in the “reasons for applying” section on page 2 of the application.
  • First time applicants will be given precedence over past recipients.
  • The scholarship must be used for the term issued. If the specified class is canceled for any reason, the scholarship will be valid for the immediate next class. (No cash equivalents or refunds apply at any time.)
  • Scholarship funds may pay for class or workshop materials. Scholarship funds for materials will only cover the cost of class materials purchased directly by the Life Enrichment Center. Materials purchased by recipients will not be reimbursed.
  • The scholarship is not retroactive. Fees will not be covered for a class in which the recipient is previously enrolled.
  • Scholarships are not renewable, non-transferable, and valid only for a specified time.
  • Scholarship approval does not guarantee class enrollment or that funds will be available at the time of registration.

 Terms and Conditions

  • Only one (1) scholarship per quarter may be applied for and/or granted per person.
  • There is a yearly maximum of $1,000 per person for scholarship eligible programs and services.
  • Scholarship funding is determined each fiscal year and is administered by the Life Enrichment Center. The scholarship application form, budget, and selection procedures may change without notice.


  • Applications must be submitted no later than three weeks prior to the class or workshop; applications received after that time will be retained and submitted for the next class period.
  • The application form must be completed and submitted with attachments. All attachments must accompany the original application.
  • A letter of intent is required within the application. Clearly state your reasons for applying for LEC scholarship funds. The LEC is most interested in your “artistic passion”; financial considerations are required.
  • Applicants may submit images or samples of artwork (3-4). Originals will be returned.
  • Submit your completed application and documents via U.S. Postal Service or walk-in. No fax or email applications will be accepted. For questions, please call 813-932-0241

Selection Process

  • The LEC Scholarship Committee reviews all submissions and determines which scholarship fund is applicable.
  • Applicants will be notified by email or phone as to whether or not a scholarship is awarded.

Additional Information

Upon scholarship approval, recipient will register for a class or a workshop within 10 days of approval notification. If not, scholarship approval is voided and applicants must reapply.

Absenteeism Policy:
If the scholarship recipient misses more than two classes in a month or is absent for the workshop, they will not qualify for additional scholarship funds for one year.

Evaluation Policy:
The scholarship recipient must submit the evaluation form (see attached) within seven (7) days after the class period or workshop ends, or they will not qualify for additional scholarship funds for one year.


Life Enrichment Center for the Arts
9704 North Boulevard
Tampa, FL  33612

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